Tuesday, May 10, 2011

W.H.Y. Foundation's Facebook Page's update

Here is this week's summary for W.H.Y. Foundation's Facebook Page:

Link to page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/WHY-Foundation/205067922842788

44 monthly active users4 since last week
40 people like this1 since last week
1 wall post or comment this week2 since last week
42 visits this week31 since last week

W.H.Y. Foundation

Sunday, February 20, 2011

W.H.Y. Foundation

Books Donation Drive – 2011

Hello Friends,

Your contributions in kind/cash, can help prevent/end child labor

W.H.Y. Foundation requests all the like-minded and kind hearted people to come forward and donate generously for this genuine social cause through which 2000+ students spread in 10 Government schools in the outskirts of Hyderabad and Secunderabad would be benefited.

This will not only encourage students to carry on their education but also gives the parents of these under privileged a sigh of relief and a ray of hope in coping up with their daunting expense chart.

With this initiative, W.H.Y. Foundation aims at ZERO drop outs from the schooling and also parents would not force the kids to work to earn their livelihood.

Request all the donors to liaise with the members of W.H.Y. Foundation on or before:

31st MAR, 2011